The Business of Business – Words to Run By:
I thought I would take this opportunity to share some business and life philosophies that may help fellow entrepreneurs.
- Never accept mediocrity. Be the best and expect the Best! Have a passion for excellence.
- Never stop hiring. Never! Run your company like a baseball team always building your farm system for future players. That twenty year old 3rd baseman may be your next superstar.
- Never rest on your laurels; don’t sit still. Be restless & set high goals. There is no such thing as coasting – You are either growing or slowing.
- Speed counts. Business today moves at the speed of light. Market opportunities shut faster and peak sooner. That new opportunity will be gone by noon.
- Simplicity counts. Keep it simple! Simple messages travel faster and perform better. Less is almost always more.
- Invest in good people. People are NOT your greatest asset like the books all say. Good people are. There is a huge difference.
- Focus on building long term value for the Company – Think long term….but remember you have to eat short term.
- Embrace change, don’t fear it. Change is really the only constant and there are plenty of examples of companies who haven’t embraced it.
- Understand the value of surprise – make everyday fresh, alive and exciting.
- Dominate your trade area. Control your destiny or someone else will… Know your competition and be faster or better or cheaper. ( pick two )
- Obstacles and walls and barriers to entry are good. They keep the competition out. Don’t let it keep you out.
- Don’t be afraid to fail. Failure is good….. It’s the best teacher. No batter ever got a hit without swinging the bat.
- Make every minute productive – there are no “rewind buttons” in life. Every down has to move the ball forward down the field.
- Don’t hesitate to terminate a bad employee. You are holding them back from finding a better fit and it’s a waste of resources on your company.
- The simple math of opportunity: Look for opportunities that present “ 1 + 1 = 3”. Anyone can get to 2, find ways to get to 3.
- Don’t forget to aim high. If your fingers are touching the wall, you are standing too close. REACH!
- It’s not what you do with the first 40 hours, its what you do with the second 40.
- If you can’t outsmart your opponent ( competition ) then outwork them.
What? You’re still here? Go out and build your empire already!